So earlier I had some whipped cream for bressert (the new term that's sweeping the nation!) and I happened to have some for real dessert (oh poo. It's so boring to use the
actual name. Sigh) It was even after dinner!
Anyway, it seems as though I'll be using ReddiWip for a while. Seriously though, why can't they just spell the name right? This is a national corporation isn't it? Grrr...
But I do love how it's the extra creamy kind. Really, what whipped cream isn't? If you come across a whipped cream that isn't, you must yell "slaaaackers" and run immediately to the nearest toilet and squirt it all out. This is the mandatory procedure and the only exception is if you are in the presence of the Queen. In this case, adopt your best british accent, and tell her that her "Cream of Whip" is not up to your standards and that you will have to depart immediately. Enjoy this fail proof guide. Maybe you should laminate it?
Wow, while I've been sitting here my glossy pillow of fabulousness (A.K.A. my teacup of whipped cream) has lost its luster. In fact it's starting to melt. Hmmm... Interesting. Can you say elementry school science fair project? I can't beleive I've never seen anyone do that before!