Hahaha, I just wrote the heading in spanish! Wooot! Well, my spanish final is coming up and I've started studying so I have it stuck in my head. (By the way, that heading means it's almost summer!!) It is almost summer and I'm excited for promotion.
My dress for the ceremony part is a really pretty sundress (I don't have a picture) with yellow flats that coordinate with the yellow ribbon on the bottom. Eeek I totally love it!
I actually got the dress for the party part at a thrift stor for $7.50!! Here's a pic:

The picture isn't very good but in person it's really pretty and I especially like that in the back the strap splits into three skinny straps. It's to long (floor length!) and to big in some parts so my mom is actually going to fix it for me. I'll be GAW-geous!!
We had community interveiws today at school so everyone was all dressed up and it was really weird because we had to go to all our regular classes in the fancy clothes. The interveiws were just to practice interveiwing for jobs later, when were old enough to, you know, get jobs. It was just cool to not have to do the normal stuff in english. Plus, after the interveiw we got cookies and juice! Heeeeheheheheheh!
Anyways, I just really wish school was out!!!!! AAAAARRRGGHHH!!!!